Crimes of Persuasion

Schemes, scams, frauds.

Example of a "How To" Business Opportunity

Note: Information contained herein is not an endorsement. It is simply copied from the source as an example of what they propose. I propose you avoid any such offers that indicate urgency and use dubious references.

Tired of all the Promises and Crazy Claims?
Looking for a home based business you can really do?
$500.00 to $2000.00 a month Part Time much more full time and all from your home office.

Start your own home based background check company.

Pre-Employment Screening
Background investigations
People Finding

"Dick Callahan", President of American Data Publishing says, "These opportunities will be sold for $149.95 in the very near future. The introductory price of $29.95 is a "Buy it NOW before it's gone" offer... so act fast! This is only being offered due to the speed, utility and e-book capability of today's Internet. It won't last long at this price".

American Data Publishing
Accurate Data Service
1209 N. Groveland Way
Crystal River, Fl. 34429

(352) 795-4259
Fax: 352-563-1734

Accurate Data Service offers an opportunity for consumers to work at home and sells manuals on how to establish a work at home business. The manuals have cost $29.95, $149.95 to $199.95 and according to the company's web site all sales are final.

Consumer complaints indicate dissatisfaction with the manual.

The company indicates they are a member of the Better Business Federation, a private concern which is not affiliated with the BBB.

Their Mission Statement

To become the leading provider of easy to use home based business products that will provide lifestyle choices for our customers by giving them the ability to earn money from their home.

Company Profile

American Data Publishing began operation in 1993 as a home based Public Records Research business.We were started to provide a service to businesses who were seeking to hire the very best people. We quickly expanded into background investigations and the People Finding market to satisfy an identified need.

Some of our local and national Organizations:

Better Business Federation of Citrus County, Fl.
The Chamber of Commerce of Citrus County, Florida
National Home Business Association
National Association of Retired Law Enforcement Officers.

For a limited time only these unique and complete business opportunities are available to you at a drastically reduced price. They have sold for as much as $300.00 each with support extra. Due to the internet and the unique opportunity it provides with the advent of e-books, we are reducing the price to $29.95 each.This is a limited time offer.

Your business opportunity e-book will be downloaded to you.