Crimes of Persuasion

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Pet Model Management

Ron Gross of WISH Shopping Network ( starts similar pet modeling scheme

(Ron E. Gross)


Does this sound like a scam to you? < MUMistheword > 04/29 13:44:13

I answered an ad on CL about dog modeling a long time ago & they recently
contacted me.
I xxx'd out the names/numbers for now.
This is what they want to propose:

Pet Model Management Agreement

Congratulations on your pet being selected as one of my prestigious pet
model clients. The Fun and Excitement of your pet being Paid Each and Every
Day for one full year and being seen by millions of potential customers
24/7/365 on a Major Shopping Network is simply a positive experience for a
pet owner.

All you need to do is send me pictures of your pet that you grant us
permission to use on Catalog Ads for advertising purposes.

You need to send me your www.paypal account E-mail address so we can pay you
each day.

Your pet will be featured on the actual LABEL of PET TREATS with your Dog's
Name as the Logo Namebrand and we will gladly send you a complimentary

You will earn 20% from all retail sales for an entire year in addition to
your Daily Gross Revenue Shares which is determined by taking 5% of our
Daily Gross Pet Sales and dividing that amount with our few pet models. So
you get Gross Revenue Shares each day guaranteed and each month you get 20%
of the actual sales of your pet's Pet Treats.

My normal fee to represent a client is $500.00 Flat Rate a year as the value
of what I must spend in time in labor for the year is about $2,000.00. (My
Costs include: Design and creation of Flash Commercial to announce New Pet
Treat to the marketplace, Daily Advertising Costs, Daily Customer Service,
Daily Accounting, etc.) You can pay the Manager Fee at: and
click on SECURITY DEPOSIT or call me to pay by phone.
APPENDUM: This pet client's One Year Management fee has bee reduced to
$50.00 as per Linda Stanton, Pet Model Recruiter referral!

Please contact me ASAP at: 570-xxx-xxxx to discuss your Pet Model Management

God Speed to your Pet's Success, Health and Happiness,
Ron E. Gross, Model Manager

(P.S. As your Pet Model Manager, I will also pursue other employment earning
opportunities for a period of one year in order to increase your pets
earnings and "clout" in the industry!)

Put your Pet to Work as a Pet Catalog Ad!

Reply to:
Date: 2005-04-28, 3:16PM CDT

Wagging your tail is not going to do it! Sending your pet's photo to: WILL!

Are we barking up the wrong tree assuming there might be some great looking pets in Houston?

Free Pet Treats! Guaranteed Monthly Income for one full year! Your pet guaranteed published on Major Shopping Network! Pet Owners get $1,000 Shopping Spree!

As a pet owner, you will be laughing all the way to the your pet now earns money for's about time!

70685171 > pets > Pet Owners...Your Pet could be making money as a model!
last modified: Thu, 28 Apr 16:08 EDT


Pet Owners...Your Pet could be making money as a model!

Reply to:
Date: 2005-04-28, 4:08PM EDT

Free Pet Treats
Guaranteed Monthly Earnings
$1,000 Shopping Spree
For usage of your pet's image on Catalog Ads

Is this for real? Yep...and the pet owners who take advantage will be laughing all the way to the bank! While the skeptics remain behind wondering, what if?

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70683178 > pets > Canine Treat Company signing Pet Model
last modified: Wed, 27 Apr 10:37 EDT


Canine Treat Company signing Pet Model

Reply to:
Date: 2005-04-27, 10:37AM EDT

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