Crimes of Persuasion

Schemes, scams, frauds.

Tracy Hartland (Studio Kidz) in Los Angeles

September 25, 2005

[Last Updated: September 29, 2005 ]

Thank God that I got so excited and decided to look Studio Kidz up on the web. I wanted to see if they had an awesome website. I was approached by Tracy Hartland yesterday at the Los Angeles county fair. She used the same lines that she used last year according to some of the letters from the parents (no parking, no fees, That's So Raven reference, blah, blah, blah).

I even peeled off the gold sticker on her business card that read Sunday 12:00PM-3:00PM, Bring Photo, RSVP 310-621-3100, TRACY HARTLAND. The sticker should have been a clue, because a real professional would at least have a business card with their name printed on it.

She looked the part also : Older, in a hurry, fake [. . .] (has to be an old hollywood actress right - wrong). Now it's Saturday night and my kids are looking forward to waking up early Sunday, and going to auditions. How dare you fill the heads of my precious girls with your lies!

Studiokidz may or may not be breaking the law. They just pump you up and then feed you to their other "partner in crime": Hollywood Kids (a friend of my wife fell for their [. . .] five months ago; of course her daughter has not worked yet).

Well, I believe in Karma. Ms Hartland, I just hope I don't miss the newspaper article when you get what's coming to you. Thank God for the web. My kids will be sleeping in late tomorrow, and so will I.

Concerned dad protecting his girls

See also: Parent's Comments about Studio Kidz